Friday, 20 January 2012

This is me .

My Love for Photography - The beginning

I've always had a caring and nurturing nature towards children. As a young girl in a shopping mall , hearing a child yelp and cry always made me feel at an unease. I always felt that a child needed a voice and making myself available and finding out the problem was the solution.

I began studying children's services in year 11 , dropping a unit in computer studies to have a go in this early path of my career choice. Completing work experience at a childcare centre I thought I was complete.

In 2010 , My Aunt and I took off to the phillipines . She is an accountant and I tagged along for the experience and the adventure . Along with Seminar training programs , great food and amazing shopping deals , there was a point that struck me . We walked into a ' Lee store ' I purchased a Sports jacket and quickly took it out of the bad wrapping it around my body. I then noticed the bag it had been placed in .  It was made out of cardboard , and it had a distorted photo of a girl . Her face was in a blur , her hair wrecklessly in her face , she was surrounded by specks of pills and she was holding a bubble stick . This photo changed my life and until this day I still have it in my room . I was amazed - how could a photo impact and move me in such a way? My interest in photography began at this point . We live in a world where children are influenced by these negative aspects that fill the air . They consume the world and ruins how beautiful our society really is .

I made the decision , that photography and children is what I would dedicate my life too . Capturing moments of children laughing ,smiling , connecting with their parents , smiling as a new-born is what  completes me as a person . THANK YOU anonymous photographer - you have helped me find what completes me in Life..

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